miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

More free time...

So it's been a long time since I've written anything that isn't homework, and I'm not gonna lie, I've had tons of free time but never considered going back to writing. But boredom is literally killing me and I guess I'll drop some lines of what's currently tormenting my mind...
A lot has been going on since last year... I'm finally out of school, halfway through my first year at college, and growing a massive beard... okay, maybe the beard is something I made up just now. My hair is long though, and I'm really loving it. It doesn't really matter what others think about it. And that's probably what I like most about college. No one cares anymore. In a good way, I mean. You can be yourself, dress as you like, do what you want, and actually choose the people you want to hang around with. Not sure if by chance or "destiny", but I've definitely met amazing new people. Never thought it would happen but we got to be very close friends since the beginning, however we'll have to go through different paths soon. But I'm sure we'll keep seeing each other every once in a while. About girls... well, I guess I'll keep that to myself, but I'll tell ya that they're so much better than the ones I met in school. Smarter, cuter and definitely more interesting. Putting that aside, I'm really enjoying the career I chose. Even though I haven't gone into deep with it, most courses I've had have caught my interest. But as everything in life, it ain't perfect. For "Interciclo" I had a computer class that was really boring, and perhaps unnecessary. I also had another class to learn how to "solve problems" with different logic techniques. And it was quite lame, so much that we used to get out to watch the World Cup games. Probably that's why I didn't get such a good grade, but whatever.
But all that sounds like I've been busy right? Well, not really. Actually, I've had free time, a lot of it. And at first, I didn't know what to do with it. I would come home at about 12-1 pm and have nothing to do. Not even homework. I couldn't believe college was far easier than school. Or perhaps the career I chose ain't as hard as I thought...yet. So what to do in that free time? Well I finally had time to go back to the gym, so I did. I also kept with my guitar lessons. And music. I don't know why, but I think getting new music is sort of an addiction to me. I get so bored that I end up downloading tons of new songs every week. And I love it. If I could choose to do one thing for all my life, would be to listen to music. It's simply it all. Thanks to music I've met interesting people, and thanks to people I've found so many great bands. It's really a shame that living by being a musician is so hard, specially in Guatemala.
So I guess that's all I've been up to most of this year, oh! and parties! I've had so much fun this year with all my friends, and hopefully there'll be better parties to come! Life is a Fiesta! Why not celebrate every once in a while? Yeah... to fade away reality for a while is good so you can clear all those thoughts and problems off your head. That until reality smacks you back on the ground! xD
I'ma try to write every once in a while random stuff in here. Reviews, thoughts, problems, ideas, fun stuff, whatever I find interesting enough to immortalize in this lines no one reads.


miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

We're a Band!

"We're a Band"
By Audio Adrenaline

"We're a Band" is a song from Audio Adrenaline, a Christian rock band, and is the theme song for Pro9m BVH! Our teacher introduced us to this band some years ago, and it's been so fun to sing it every once in a while (While moshing of course! :) ). The song is about how the band is so proud of Jesus, and how we are all blessed to go around the world spreading the word that he will be back to save us and gives us some rock&roll! (hopefully he'll come back with Elvis!). It's a very nice song and it will always remember me the good times we spent with our teacher, thanks a lot for making our last year at high school so memorable! and remember:


A video about Audio Adrenaline LIVE!

The Analects

from "The Analects"

Confucianism is a Chinese ethical and philosophical system developed by Confucius, who wrote The Analects. The Analects are a series of teachings in the form of aphorisms that are meant to express general truths or moral values to the reader. In the passage we read, Confucius explains how a man must behave well with his parents and elders, recognize the talents of the others, and be obedient. He also recommends leaders to rule by moral force and not by regulations that limit the people. Being open to all opinions and taking the best from the good people are other teachings that are included in the passage from the Analects.

I think that Confucius was a very wise man, because he saw that society was changing in a bad way and decided to teach a righteous way of living. Sometimes, people become blind and tend to focus their attention to money, fame and glory. All this material stuff turns us into selfish persons that will never be able to satisfy the need of always having more. Being humble, honest, obedient, and kind to others can and will bring us much more happiness than if we have lots of cash in our pockets, or power in our society. We all have to behave like leaders, learning everything we can, giving and not expecting rewards, being the living example of justice, and treating everyone in an equal way, because we all are brothers, and in the end, we are all sons of God.

Here is a funny video that explains some essencial stuff from the Confucianism.

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009



From “The Tale of Numskull and the Rabbit”

Panchatantra is a collection of tales and fables that teach lessons about life. In the tale of “Numskull and the Rabbit”, the lion, Numskull, is a strong and cruel king who murders by hunger and pleasure. The animals are concerned and make a pact to sacrifice one animal daily for Numskull to eat. One day, a rabbit is chosen as the sacrifice and he plans to outsmart the lion. The rabbit arrives late and takes advantage of the lion’s anger to fool him. So the rabbit takes him to a well, where Numskull sees his reflection and believes it’s another lion, attacks the water and drowns.

The teachings of this fable include how to be a good, wise, and kind leader. Numskull is shown as a cruel and careless leader, whose pride is his weakness. The animals mention some proverbs about how must a leader behave and rule with justice. The story also shows how intelligence can beat strength. The rabbit is a clever animal that shows the lion who he really is. When Numskull sees his reflection in the water, he realizes who he is, but is so full of pride that it blinds him, leading him to kill himself. Many leaders have had this problem, like Adolf Hitler, who was so proud of his strength that was blinded by power and greed, and in the end, he committed suicide. Respecting others is something important that must be a base for strong and wise leaders.